Wednesday, November 20, 2013

2nd Grade Shape Collages

For the past two years, I have begun my 2nd grade students with a unit on line, and then shape. For the shape unit, one project is a collage of cut paper, in which the students learn the difference between free-form shapes and geometric shapes. They are required to use at least on of each in their collage.

This year, I had to postpone those two units in order to create art for Art To Remember, the fundraiser we did at the beginning of this school year. (The fundraiser went fantastically by the way; the parents loved the products, and we raised over $2,000 for art supplies!) So, I ended up doing shape collages with 2nd grade in the middle of November.

Well, those two months really made a difference; the students' collages turned out beautifully! Their art skills really are at a higher level now, than the previous classes were when they did this same assignment much earlier in the school year.

Here are some photos, followed by part of my bulletin board. I put every student's collage up, and they didn't all fit in the photo.

Monday, November 11, 2013

3rd Grade Leaf Dishes

My 3rd grade students made leaf dishes out of clay this year. I collected an assortment of oak leaves and maple leaves before the students arrived. I tried collecting them the night before, but they dried out! So, I spent each morning gather leaves at my house, and then lunch getting some from the playground. Then, I let each student pick a leaf that they liked.

Next, the students rolled slabs of clay. They roll on a plastic bag so it wouldn't stick to the table. The rolling sticks I use are wooden dowels from Lowe's, 1 1/2" diameter, cut to 12" each. The students have to roll in many directions (diagonally, horizontally, etc.) and on both sides (they pick the slab up, peal it off the bag, and flip it over).

Once the students have a nice slab, they put their leaf on top of it, with the bright shiny side up (so the side where the veins stick out farther is down). Then, they gently roll the leaf into the clay.

Next, the students use a needle tool to carefully cut all around the leaf. Then, a long piece of paper towel is twisted, and the students pick up each edge of the leaf and push some paper towel under it. This holds the edges up, to make the leaf into a nice dish. I think they're just the right size to be a soap dish!